Thursday, November 1, 2012

Apollo Saves Kavouras

I, unlike my father, have always done my best to refrain from smiting the earth dwellers.
I am not a god of domination, or intimidation.  I am a god of spiritual liberation.  I don’t seek to be feared, I seek to be celebrated.  I seek to celebrate.
I am also a god of foresight.  I have seen visions of the future—plagued with warfare, enslavement, and boredom. 
Those who put their trust in me will reap benefits of a new civilization unlike any that have thrived or will thrive again: rich with music, health, sunshine, and fertility.
My father chooses to  rule  with fear, by summoning storms and throwing down lightning bolts.
I rule with care, using my healing powers to keep the land and people healthy. 
Mortals have but one chance to live.  It is my mission to ensure that everyone gets the most out of their time on earth. 
My attention turns to the small Greek  island of Kavouras.  The people there have the purest of intentions but are poorly misguided—using all of their resources to build shrines and statues for Zues, for fear that if they don’t he will smite them.  They sacrifice animals, and even human beings to honor my father.  And Zues encourages this cycle of worship.  It had gotten to the point where the land was so depleted from building shrines that they couldn’t harvest enough crops to sustain the civilization.  And as I saw into the future, the society was headed for doom.  That is where I stepped in. I couldn’t let the people of Kavouras continue down this path of depression and self-destruction.  I rode my chariot to the island, and revealed myself to the people of the island.  They could not see me, but I made my voice heard by all.  This is what I said.  “Kavourians, look around.  Your community is downtrodden with depression and hunger, yet you still build shrines and make sacrifices to honor Zues.  You are so loyal, but what has he done for you?  He is leading you down a path towards the demise of your civilization.  Put your faith in solely me, Apollo, and I will rescue you from the depths of depression and bring you to a future rich with music, health, sunshine, and fertility.  In return I ask not for sacrifices and shrines, but celebration and merriment.  I, Apollo, the god of sunlight and prophecy will lead you to a brighter future, physically and spiritually.”
The community responded wisely.  They ceased worshipping Zues, and put their faith in me. 
 I summoned my twin sister Artemis, the God of Wilderness and Fertility to help in reviving the island community.  
First I shined sunlight down to jump start the crop cycle.  Artemis worked her magic with the soil making it full of life and nutrients to enrich the crops. 
Once stability in sustenance was established.  I gave them the tools necessary to celebrate life in my honor.  I gave them music.   And the community thrived in peace and celebration. 
What I was able to accomplish for the Kavourians is just a taste of what I have to offer the greater world.  Someday I will replace my father as supreme deity, as he replaced his.  And when my time comes the world will be transformed into one of health, truth, peace, and music. 

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