Thursday, November 8, 2012

7 Trials of Fenrir

The 7 Trials of Fenrir

1) RA
Ra - sun
Re - creator
Atum – underworld

2) The three names mentioned are:
Wednesday = Woden = Odin
Friday = Frigg/Freya
Balder = son of Odin

Frigg, Balder's mother and Odin's wife, is a mournful goddess. She pities herself for the series of unfortunate events that led her to ultimately be alone. Her son, Balder, was killed by Loki due to Frigg's slip of the tongue. Frigg took an oath from all things, including disease, poisons, the elements, objects and all living beings that none will harm Balder. Loki disguised himself as a lady and tricked Frigg into telling him the only living thing that she did not take an oath over, mistletoe. Loki retrieved this mistletoe and tricked Balder's blind brother, Hoor, to through it at Balder. The mistletoe went right through Balder and he died.
Frigg not only had a big mouth, but she was quite polygamous and selfish. A statue containing gold was made in Odin's honor, but Frigg wanted the gold for her own garments. She had two men steal the gold and give it to her. Odin had these men hung and the gold returned to the statue. Frigg was angered by this, still believing that her own apparel was more important than her husbands, and she submitted herself to one of her servants. Odin was hurt by the double trespass of his wife, and he exiled himself due to immense shame. Frigg mourned Odin's dismissal, missing her 'beloved' that she so easily betrayed.
Overall, Frigg caused all the negative events that happened to her in her lifetime. She was the reason Loki knew of Balder's only weakness, leading to his death. She was also the reason that Odin was gone into exile, because she loved herself more than anyone and caused Odin extreme embarrassment. Frigg claims she will never experience happiness again saying, "Oh, woe is me! That I should live to see this! First my Balder son, and now my husband, my beloved Wednesday! Truly, there shall be no happy hour for Friday. Never again!" Frigg lives the rest of her life in depression, feeling sorry for her lonely life even though she is the root cause to all of the circumstances that happened to her.

3) Zeus’s 9 muses:
1. Clio: discovered history and guitar
2. Euterpe: discovered several musical instruments, courses and dialectic
3. Thalia: the protector of comedy; she discovered comedy, geometry, architectural science and agriculture. She was also protector of Symposiums
4. Melpomene: the protector of Tragedy; she invented tragedy, rhetoric speech and Melos
5. Terpsichore: the protector of dance; she invented dances, the harp and education
6. Erato: the protector of Love and Love Poetry – as well as wedding
7. Polymnia: the protector of the divine hymns and mimic art; she invented geometry and grammar
8. Ourania: the protector of the celestial objects and stars; she invented astronomy
9. Calliope: the superior Muse. She was accompanying kings and princes in order to impose justice and serenity. She was the protector of heroic poems and rhetoric art

Hymn for Calliope:

      The eldest of the nine,
      Goddess of eloquence -
      Most lovely and divine.
      Embodiment of epic poetry,
      Inspiration to Homer himself,
      the holder of such sultry.
      Known for her great wisdom,
      Her writing tablet forever in hand
      Never less than a beautiful vision.

4. Crow Field Log entry:
Roanoke Colony 1587
Ive been exploring the white man’s village, “Roanoke Colony” for a good half day and determined that they are a most peculiar people. They have the concept of  “property” which leads them to claim the sole use of land based on saying that its theirs. They build barriers of wood around their plots and within them, plant odd foods or fill them with large, slow, creatures who only eat and sleep all day.
The people are unhealthy pale things with terrible hygiene and diet. Their diet is limited and not varied as they only grow a few crops. They spend all day working in the fields, or tending to children. Then they pray in their house of worship. Compared to the white men, the people of this continent work for a few hours hunting and gathering food, while the rest of the day are spent for personal enjoyment or tribal events.
Their worship is also most peculiar. From what I gathered from observation, it revolves around a single book. They are ridiculous as they only have a god, his son, and the Holy Spirit. They spend endless hours praying to this god and spend many riches building churches. Among them it seems that if you believe in spirits, they call you a witch (whatever that is) and burn you. At one point it was time for them to pray
Late in the day, I was approached and I was asked a question by one of them. “Why are you here? the last ship carrying anybody here came three years ago and we didn’t see any ship bring you”. I couldn’t respond. They hunted me out saying  I was and threatened to harm me. I fled and worked with the other gods to make the village of savage white men disappear with only a skeleton remain.

Its significant because 1587 is the year that the Roanoke colony disappears without a trace.

5. The hard beginning.

When I was younger and before I was bound by the gods of Valhalla I was the sole god of a powerful warrior tribe. As all groups do they decided to settle down in a rocky, and rugged land which resembled their homeland. There lived there, threescore demons and a barbarian tribe who worshipped them.
The tribe set up a camp and started trying to work the land while fending off their new neighbors. They started to struggle and invoked me to aid them. I came before them and the demons fled. Before they came back, I set to work helping my worshippers. I took the rocks of the fields and made a rough wall of stone around the camp and the earth appeared as if holes had been torn into it. I prepared to fight the demons and gorged on 10 oxen.
As night fell and the demons assembled their forces to attack, I sat in the fields with the whole tribe and waited. They came with the night and while I fought the demons, the barbarian waves broke themselves upon the strong line of my warriors.
Among the demons I ran, slashing at them and spilling their blood and guts upon the virgin soil of the fields. I tore out many throats until they fled. The barbarians seeing, their gods flee begged for mercy. I left them to the mercy of my warriors and their blood drained into the soil of the field. I feasted upon the corpses for 7 days and night and all the remains were dumped in the holes and filled in. The soil absorbed the blood and became rich. As I left them they swore eternal loyalty to me, Fenrir.

6. Artemis is the other in the story. Herne was transformed into a stag for peeping on Artemis while she was bathing in the woods.

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