Thursday, November 8, 2012

1a. Bastet
-nicknames: Baast, Ubasti and Baset

3a. Calliope-Epic Poetry
Erato-Love Poetry
Euterpe-Song/Elegiac Poetry

6a. Please, oh please dear Artemis do not kill me, I do not deserve to die.  I was overcome by passion as I saw the most beautiful creature I have ever seen…you.  Lust pushed me to jump on top of you, unknowing that you were daughter of the noble Zeus or twin to the all powerful Apollo.  You must know what it is like to have a desire pushing you to do things you normally would not have do without it, but it has consumed me.  It makes me crazy with want and desire, open up and let me in.
6b. Artemis
6c. Artemis, as the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity, and protector of young girls, takes her job seriously.  As punishment for seeing her naked, Artemis changed Herne into a stag and sent him back into the woods to be hunted down and killed by his own hounds.

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