Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Almighty Loki?

                For far too long, mortals have suffered under the reign of maniacal deities, Gods whose idea of fun was micromanaging the lives of the scared beings of planet Earth.  People ran from Zeus’s lightning, Thor’s hammer, Nanook’s threats of starvation, Kali’s bloodthirst, and Apollo’s plagues.  People have never run from me.  It must be noted, though I have earned my title as a troublemaker among Gods, I only mess with those with too much power.  Invincible Baldr, massive giants, and hammer-happy Thor have been the targets of my trickery, not mortals.  And why would I do such things?  I will tell you the truth, humans.   I did so to prevent these Gods from becoming all-powerful!  I did so to protect you from the Gods’ thirst for power and human blood.  I did so to ensure your safety, even making fools of my own brothers in acts of divine providence.   Other Gods hover like parental figures, ensuring you follow their silly “rules” through fear of retribution.  I am no such God.  I am the God that makes sure my fellow Gods follow your rules.   I am the God that represents your interests among the Almighty.
                As Almighty, it must be stated that I do not intend to tear down monuments to fallen Gods or to force changes in worship.  Your current idols, temples, and traditions will all be accepted as forms of praise for me.  As Almighty, I would understand if you should call me by other names, if you should pray to images of myself in different shapes from the one most familiar to the Norse.  Those avatars of Poseidon may still worship him/me as they have for centuries, as I may take the form of a bearded man and have been known to cause earthquakes.  Avatars of Bmola need not worry about their traditions, as I am at home in the form of a bird/moose God.  Even avatars of the Great Mother Mut need not change their ceremonies or temples; though I am mostly seen as a man, I have taken the form of a mother on more than one occasion.  As the divine shapeshifter, I encompass all Godly images, and do not take variances in worship as personal insults.
Now, with Ragnarok coming to a close and with the election of a new Almighty nearing, it should be noted how each deity will deal with the question of theocracy.  Will monotheism become part of the new world order?  Will all of humanity be under the rule of one superhuman dictator?  I propose no such action.  It is foretold in Norse tradition that Ragnarok shall bring forward a new set of Gods to replace the old, a symbol of the cycles of life.  I find this a fair and reasonable idea.  Though the Gods of old cannot be brought back to life, I propose elections among humankind regarding the deification of several of their peers.  Gods shall be elected to fill positions of their fallen brethren.  For example, a sea God should be chosen to replace fallen Poseidon, and so forth.  This shall keep the Earth and the heavens in balance.  I will bestow the winners of these elections with magical gifts which shall give them Godly powers.
What proof do I have that I would do such a thing?  I am known as a gracious God, having already given several gifts to other Gods, as well as bestowing demi-God status upon my most faithful avatar, the former Goddess Mut.  You need only look at Thor’s hammer, Odin’s steed, and Osiris’ crook and flail in the hands of my avatar to know that I am a God of my word, and I will bring forward a new set of deities that fit your liking, and that I will usher in a new era of prosperity and freedom from fear of divine retribution among mortals.

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