Tuesday, October 30, 2012


This is where I live with my father, Zeus, the God of the Sky and all  Gods,  my twin sister,  Artemis, the Goddess of Wilderness and Fertility, and the other nine of the original Twelve Olympian Gods of the Greek Parthenon.  I've lived here for as long as I've been alive.  I was born just after my father stole it from his father.  This was done rightfully so, I would have done the same, as Cronus, the King of the Titans, was a force of chaos and disorder.  My father, with the help of his siblings, Poseidon and Hades ousted the malicious Titan dividing some of the power among themselves.  Poseidon became in charge the ocean, Hades became god of the underworld or human world, and Zeus  took over the air and the sky.  As time went on father delegated powers to a total of Twelve Olympians who worked together to maintain a more natural and balanced world.
Despite being a twelve God family, there's plenty of space atop Mount Olympus for us to live comfortably.  We have rooms to commemorate triumphs such as the gigantic mural in my wing that depicts me striking down the evil dragon Python of Delphi.      
We Olympian gods and goddesses have our own space in the castle where we can hone our powers.  For instance Bacchus, the youngest Olympian Deity, the God of Wine, Ecstasy, and Celebrations, has his own chambers for experimenting with new types of wines to bless the world with.
I even have my own room for my Lyre where I can play, and channel musical energy into the greater world.  Music is important for maintaining harmony in the world.  My mission is to inspire more humans and gods to incorporate music into everyday life.  I beleive this will being about more peace and happiness to whoever gives it a chance.  I will continue to use my influence to spread the joy of listening to, dancing to, playing and appreciating music to all.  Music is a gift.  It is one of my many gifts to  the world. 
Lastly, but not least, I couldn't let you off without showing you my wheels.  How did you think I get anywhere from the top of Olympus?  My father gave it to me after I returned back to Mount Olympus after being gone for eight years.  The horses, being Gods themselves, will live forever, and someday I will pass them on to my son.

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