Mut, Harvest Mother, still holds Osiris' crook and flail, which she has used to exert influence over humans. Her instinct as a mother is strong and her knowledge of agriculture is solid. She shall become the chief advisor of the new harvest God/dess, and she shall also serve to keep the fire God/dess in line. She retains her desert palace.
Apollo now possesses Svalinn, the shield that stands before the sun and protects one from its heat. As Apollo has spent many millennia guiding the sun across the sky, he shall guide the new sun God/dess in her or his new position; as an avatar rather than a God, spending too much time near the sun without a shield would surely kill him. Although Mount Olympus fell in Ragnarok, a replica of his palace was commissioned and placed on top of Mount Mansfield where he may spend his life as a demi-God. Although he no longer rides the Chariot of the Sun, he does get to stand behind his shield and be the sun chariot's backseat driver, which is pretty awesome. Apollo: Driver's Ed Teacher of the Gods.
Nanook, Hunter on the Ice, grabbed the mythological Greek Cornucopia from the grab bag. The horn of plenty provides an abundance of nectar, ambrosia, and fruit. I'm sure these are favorite foods of bears. His wisdom and fairness are well-known and cannot be lost; he shall become the mentor to the new hunter God/dess, and shall serve to warn me if the new God/dess starts breaking the rules. He continues to reside in the North where he communes regularly with his ursine kin.
Dionysus, Master of Revels, received the goat Heiðrún, who produces mead rather than milk. The goat shall provide libations for Dionysus' parties. The parties take place in his mansion, which survived Ragnarok save for one detail: Dionysus' male lovers have been freed from the closets of the playboy mansion and may roam freely along with the scantily clad women. Dionysus was originally given a cabinet position with the new God/dess of wine, but the two spent so much time hung over that they didn't get anything done. The two still hang out, but I'm not sure they are the best coworkers. As such, Dionysus has been relieved from his position, and may continue his boozy revelry without fear of divine obligation.
Kali, the Dark Mother, somehow managed to pull a 1200 pound horse from the bag. The horse is no other than one of the black horses of the Irish dullahan, and strapped to it was a whip made from a human spine. Though the horse itself provides no special powers, it knows no fear, and provides Kali with steady and sturdy transport to the world(s) of the dead, where Kali oversees the work of the new God/desses of death. When not riding among death, Kali lives in a patch of forest thick with Royal Poinciana trees.
Poseidon, Lord of the Deep, lost his signature trident and chariot during Ragnarok. For him, at least one good thing has come of the meeting and clashing of the Gods, though: my son Sleipnir fathered a foal with one of his hippocampi. This eight-legged hippocamp is now under Poseidon's care, allowing him to cover vast distances in the sea, as well as allowing him to breathe under water once again. As such, Poseidon has moved back to Atlantis, where he supervises the new God/dess of the Sea.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
What duties and responsibilities will you assign your avatars?
Considering that you are, in fact, a bear..., what will you do to help resolve issues faced by the modern world, specifically A.I.D.S., human trafficking and genocide?
What duties and responsibilities will you assign your avatars?
Considering that you are, in fact, a bear..., what will you do to help resolve issues faced by the modern world, specifically A.I.D.S., human trafficking and genocide?
Question for Loki:
- Loki, we've seen your shape-shifting skills benefit
yourself in many ways, but how do you think these powers will be beneficial for
all avatars and humans who choose to praise you?
Question for Apollo:
- Loki offers many religious options for moral
enlightenment, while yours appeal to be surface pleasures. How do you plan to
fulfill the needs of those who aren't as concerned with music, dance, and
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Question for Nanook
Nanook can you please explain what we, as people will do during the hibernation
time of the bear? Will we to "veg-out" and enjoy a long break?
Also, how will your simple, honest and nature loving rule be a nice
change from the deception of modern politics that Loki and Apollo bring?
Question for Apollo
If you are in fact the god of light, music, sun, poetry, plagues, Prophecies, etc.. What is the point of, and how will you resolve the issues listed bellow:
1. Global warming (sun and other stuff)
2. HIV/AIDS/Cancer (plagues)
3. One direction and other bad/rich musicians (Music)
4. Evangelical making millions and getting into prostitute scandals (Prophecies)
1. Global warming (sun and other stuff)
2. HIV/AIDS/Cancer (plagues)
3. One direction and other bad/rich musicians (Music)
4. Evangelical making millions and getting into prostitute scandals (Prophecies)
Questions for loki
Loki: Why did you spawn and unleash violent monsters upon the world, harming your kin and threatening the stability of your pantheon?
Loki: How would you deal with internal squabbles among your sub-deities, when conflicts of individual interests arise? how will you stay neutral in these conflicts and avoid choosing a side as happens in every polytheistic pantheon that has ever existed?
Loki: How would you deal with internal squabbles among your sub-deities, when conflicts of individual interests arise? how will you stay neutral in these conflicts and avoid choosing a side as happens in every polytheistic pantheon that has ever existed?
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Questions for Apollo
Apollo:What is your plan to eliminate disease & world hunger?
Apollo: Although you are known for enjoying the company of a lover, you have said this simply you exercising free will – one of your strongest beliefs. It is also known that you treated these lovers well and with honesty, how would your approach differ from that of Loki the trickster-infidel?
Questions for NANOOK
Avatars! In the comments below post your questions for NANOOK, Hunter on the Ice. You have until 4pm tomorrow, Wodensday, to post your questions. Failure to post your questions will have dire consequences for your chances of becoming Prime Avatar!
Questions for LOKI
Avatars! In the comments below post your questions for LOKI, Master of Cunning. You have until 4pm tomorrow, Wodensday, to post your questions. Failure to post your questions will have dire consequences for your chances of becoming Prime Avatar!
Questions for APOLLO
Avatars! In the comments below post your questions for APOLLO, Ever-Shining. You have until 4pm tomorrow, Wodensday, to post your questions. Failure to post your questions will have dire consequences for your chance of becoming Prime Avatar!
Apollo's Creed
I will follow Apollo the Diety who keeps things short and sweet
Who promises love, peace, and plenty to eat.
Musical beats upon which to tap our feet.
I will follow Apollo into a world of pure celebration.
Void of any silly hate or discrimination.
We can simply be part of a world of harmony between all living things.
It won’t be over even if the fat lady sings.
Free will to lead the life I wish
Apollo the great has promised us this.
Who promises love, peace, and plenty to eat.
Musical beats upon which to tap our feet.
I will follow Apollo into a world of pure celebration.
Void of any silly hate or discrimination.
We can simply be part of a world of harmony between all living things.
It won’t be over even if the fat lady sings.
Free will to lead the life I wish
Apollo the great has promised us this.
Pledge to Nanook
This pledge to be read on the 27th day of the 11th month on the 2012th year after the birth of the son of the Christian God under a nearly full moon at the geographic coordinates N 44.47, W −73.19.
I pledge undying allegiance to the great Nanook,
whose great knowledge of hunting will guide me through my hungriest hour,
whose vehemence towards those who cheat will maintain equality throughout the world,
and whose power over all bears in the world will protect me in times of need,
And my taking this pledge,
I vow to never go against the rules of hunting or society,
I will undertake all obstacles that I may encounter with just myself,
and I accept the consequences that may come my way by negating the rules.
I pledge undying allegiance to the great Nanook,
whose great knowledge of hunting will guide me through my hungriest hour,
whose vehemence towards those who cheat will maintain equality throughout the world,
and whose power over all bears in the world will protect me in times of need,
And my taking this pledge,
I vow to never go against the rules of hunting or society,
I will undertake all obstacles that I may encounter with just myself,
and I accept the consequences that may come my way by negating the rules.
Pledge to Loki
I pledge myself to Loki and the Gods of the New Order
And through my allegiance I shall protect Him
From overthrow from tyrant Gods
I thank Loki for allowing me to worship as I please,
For giving me other Gods to whom I can pray,
And I will do my best to deify those Gods that represent my needs
I trust in Loki to continue His great legacy
To bring Avatars and humans to a New Order
To keep in check those Gods who may become too powerful
So help me Loki almighty!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Apollo for life!!!!!
Apollo, god of the arts
Muse of all audible arts
Driver of the chariot of the mighty sun
As the energy of life
You are the patron of all that lives
Under your gaze, crops will prosper, life will flourish
A new era of culture shall arise and all will sing praise to you.
You have seen man for centuries perverse as we can be
And thus can you better judge, those who deserve disease.
Plague will strike those who lie, and deceive
Thieves and traitors shall suffer
But those who act righteously will live in prosperity,
Celebrating the new world under the dominion of a new god
With music, peace and feasts.
Loki, the deceitful,
Creator of monsters and killer of kin
His tongue as slippery as a savage eel
He lies as easily as water flows and is just as predictable as the earthquake’s strike
All he has done is deceive in word or form,
Not a grain of truth resides in his cold soul
Were he to be supreme, the world would suffer while the monsters to whom he feels kinship would enslave humanity
The savage mother Kali
The slayer of demons,
Lord of death
She has no skills but killing
Depicted with a blade and head
A ruler of time and death
A destroyer of ignorance can never rule justly
Under her the world will suffer
The kind god of the frozen nanook
You may have the purest of intentions
But you know not of man’s unpredictability
You have never wandered beyond the frozen lands
Into the lands of plenty, or seen human depravity
The world needs a god who truly knows of men
With no trace of naivety
Better to stay in the cold and play
Muse of all audible arts
Driver of the chariot of the mighty sun
As the energy of life
You are the patron of all that lives
Under your gaze, crops will prosper, life will flourish
A new era of culture shall arise and all will sing praise to you.
You have seen man for centuries perverse as we can be
And thus can you better judge, those who deserve disease.
Plague will strike those who lie, and deceive
Thieves and traitors shall suffer
But those who act righteously will live in prosperity,
Celebrating the new world under the dominion of a new god
With music, peace and feasts.
Loki, the deceitful,
Creator of monsters and killer of kin
His tongue as slippery as a savage eel
He lies as easily as water flows and is just as predictable as the earthquake’s strike
All he has done is deceive in word or form,
Not a grain of truth resides in his cold soul
Were he to be supreme, the world would suffer while the monsters to whom he feels kinship would enslave humanity
The savage mother Kali
The slayer of demons,
Lord of death
She has no skills but killing
Depicted with a blade and head
A ruler of time and death
A destroyer of ignorance can never rule justly
Under her the world will suffer
The kind god of the frozen nanook
You may have the purest of intentions
But you know not of man’s unpredictability
You have never wandered beyond the frozen lands
Into the lands of plenty, or seen human depravity
The world needs a god who truly knows of men
With no trace of naivety
Better to stay in the cold and play
Kali! Kali! Kali!
While Apollo, Loki and Nanook may be great Gods,
None of them seem to be the one.
Apollo spreads disease Nanook is stiff as a rod
And with Loki's antics we'd all be done.
I was once a god too,
More powerful than they.
They simply won't do,
For at the end of the day...,
Kali is the only one for me.
More powerful than the rest,
A dark mother she may be
But she would serve us all best.
For who knows how to nurture
Like a mother fierce and strong.
For the humans none would go further
To ensure our days are prosperous and long.
From voting for another God I refrain,
For the choice is plain to see!
Any avatar with half a brain
Will end up choosing Kali!
A Hymn to Loki
Loki, god of cunning, I pledge my allegiance to you
All other deities should take their rightful place below you
In speech, the other three were lack luster
And in debate, it was all the others that Loki did fluster
Apollo in his world promised drink, music and fun
But without some solid leadership, I think his reign can be considered done
His description of the ideal party was a little lame
Simply, drinking and dancing lacks a certain flame
Next, Kali who said she’d be a good mother
But with that ferocious attitude, I prefer someone other
Furthermore, her promise for the future was some sort of protection
But this was far to patronizing and therefore she is not my deity selection
And Nanook promised me some delicious meat
But to me, the eating of animals is not a respectable feat
He even admitted that he did not have too much power
And the prospect of having a weak leader leaves me sour
Alas, there is charismatic, democratic, diplomatic Loki
Answering and speaking with a refreshing tone of honesty
Even though with ease he can shape shift
He will not trick his beloved followers with this gift
His promises of prosperity and democracy are true
We need this attitude to have a nation that’s fresh and new
Attending to the specific desire of those that worship
He is a peaceful leader rather than one with a tyrannical grip
About no other god can you say the same
So everyone should go ahead and praise his name
Apollo the Mighty
O what fortune Fate has bestowed upon me
That I may worship mighty Apollo as my deity
A God whose power is as great as the Sun
Yet all He wants is peace for everyone
While other gods speak of deceit and damnation
Apollo’s message is one of celebration
His power to heal is known throughout the land
And His preferred form of worship is a party most grand
For those who choose to follow Loki, beware
His trickery and deception may be more than you can bear
And speaking of bears, how about that Nanook?
All he offers is more bear meat than you can cook
Worshiping the ruthless Kali may serve you well
Until you get on her bad side and wind up in Hell
No, when it comes to immortals, there’s only one choice
The God who will listen, no matter how small your voice
Place your trust in Apollo, and He’ll do you no wrong
All He asks of his followers is the occasional song
Every day will be full of joy and festivity
When Apollo takes his rightful place as the Supreme Deity
Ode To Apollo
This is an ode to the almighty apollo
For he is the only worthy deity to follow
There is no god who can match his might
With his foresight, he will show you the light
Despite my problems with drinking too much booze
Apollo took me seriously, he gave me one such clue
If I put my trust in him, my race will be run
As sure as grass grows, or rises the sun
Apollo gives inspiration, but makes no commands
He'll take your prayers seriously, not with a grain of sand
All his interests lie in his constituent base
He deserves more attention in this subsequent race
He'll se the pace right, and brighten the tunnel
With a light so bright, drunk off the foresight funnel
You'll have insight to the future and your path will be clear
Just look at me, its been three weeks since my last beer
For he is the only worthy deity to follow
There is no god who can match his might
With his foresight, he will show you the light
Despite my problems with drinking too much booze
Apollo took me seriously, he gave me one such clue
If I put my trust in him, my race will be run
As sure as grass grows, or rises the sun
Apollo gives inspiration, but makes no commands
He'll take your prayers seriously, not with a grain of sand
All his interests lie in his constituent base
He deserves more attention in this subsequent race
He'll se the pace right, and brighten the tunnel
With a light so bright, drunk off the foresight funnel
You'll have insight to the future and your path will be clear
Just look at me, its been three weeks since my last beer
Hymn to Loki
Oh sweet and wise Loki, god for too long misunderstood,
When you're the Almighty, I know of it will come a great good.
Clearly the most cunning, full of charm and such wit,
For this, I'm sure no other would be such a great fit.
Your ability to shape shift far outweighs the rest,
And even more strengths appear when you're put to the test.
In your eloquent speech, your tolerance became known,
Rising above others who live...say, in an Arctic zone.
You'll look out for my best interests and protect my rights,
While the Dark-Mother just revealed to us all that she bites!
Yes, she's a fighter and will take care of her flock,
But let me tell you Kali, I think that's all a crock.
Though Nanook is sweet as can be, his powers are innocent as well,
And these meek abilities simply make it hard to excel.
Apollo on the other hand, claiming preacher of love and delight,
But let's face it folks, he holds one desire to reign down his own might.
With you Loki, I'd have no godly powers to fear,
For mortals aren't your targets, so we're in the clear.
Loki my dear, you are a happy medium.
Not overbearing with your strength but never leaving us in tedium.
As your Avatar Loki, I will do whatever you ask,
Big, small, or complex, I'll complete any task.
It is your humble opinions that I so greatly respect,
Views, that as an Avatar, I will strongly reflect.
I too believe in the good of having more than one God,
In particular, Bmola, to whom you gave a gracious nod.
To be short Loki, I respect you quite highly,
I'll never act selfish, mean-spirited, or slyly.
You will be the Almighty after all, that is certain,
The world will be your stage, as we open the curtain. Hymn to Apollo
It's your turn now,
Since your father didn't know how,
To let us dance to the music in the sunlight,
Where there is no need to fight.
Celebrating the good times and the free spirit few,
And hoping you will be there, too.
You help us soar with love and good health,
And not just for your wealth.
Kindness to all and a lending hand when we fall,
With you, I'll know who to call.
Loki will trick you and Nanook just a bear,
Then there's Kali, who certainly screams beware.
If you should ever cross their paths
You won't better your share,
But Apollo's wrath feels good and fair.
Avoid the humility, vote Apollo 2012 to infinity!
Since your father didn't know how,
To let us dance to the music in the sunlight,
Where there is no need to fight.
Celebrating the good times and the free spirit few,
And hoping you will be there, too.
You help us soar with love and good health,
And not just for your wealth.
Kindness to all and a lending hand when we fall,
With you, I'll know who to call.
Loki will trick you and Nanook just a bear,
Then there's Kali, who certainly screams beware.
If you should ever cross their paths
You won't better your share,
But Apollo's wrath feels good and fair.
Avoid the humility, vote Apollo 2012 to infinity!
An Ode to Loki
Loki the master of cunning and deceit-
What he’s achieved now is already a large feat.
With the mind of a trickster,
And the abilities of a shape shifter,
No other deity can do what he can do,
He makes them all look like a deity who must be new.
Loki is a God who is very gracious and kind,
His brain is sharp, his goals clearly defined,
He wants what’s best for his those who are his avatars,
If you wanted one, he’d go to space and bring you down all the stars.
Loki is whom I fully back,
Nothing is what I believe he lacks.
"They shooten, I praise Nanook youz a slave to a page in my rhyme book."(NAS,1992)
Bear me a witness for the ruler of the
earth has finally appeared,
Roaring his greatest roar,
he shakes the ground beneath you
But who can grin and bear it, the cold
winter called life.
Nanook the Great Bear will catch the
earths salmon, lighting the sun with the blubber of a whale and although pale
as the winter is white his fur will warm the cold children of the night.
No Plague, no trickery no blood shed,
simplicity through nature and feast through praise of this might beast. And
thou who earns their right as a cub of his mightiness will prosper the
flavorful bear flanks of success and seal loins of nourishment.
Bow, roar, dig, bite, defecate in the
wilderness of struggle for you are not alone. His claws sever pain;
his teeth puncture the flesh of deceit.
Fear no longer my cubs for the earth’s den
has been warmed.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Hymn to Loki
Loki - the god of mischief and deceit.
So fair, always tricking those is in need of defeat.
Shapeshifter of all forms,
he is not a god of many norms.
He uses his cunning powers on other deities who want almighty rein,
there is no respect for gods that are so vain.
The decision of supreme god is already very clear
Why chose any other when equality for all is so near?
Avatars and humans both want to be heard,
but how can this be when the all other gods amount to a turd?
Yes, Loki is as tricky as a snake,
but supports all beings to praise the gods they want to make!
With Loki pure freedom is a guarantee
I encourage all other avatars to join me!
So fair, always tricking those is in need of defeat.
Shapeshifter of all forms,
he is not a god of many norms.
He uses his cunning powers on other deities who want almighty rein,
there is no respect for gods that are so vain.
The decision of supreme god is already very clear
Why chose any other when equality for all is so near?
Avatars and humans both want to be heard,
but how can this be when the all other gods amount to a turd?
Yes, Loki is as tricky as a snake,
but supports all beings to praise the gods they want to make!
With Loki pure freedom is a guarantee
I encourage all other avatars to join me!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Kali for Supreme Deity
1. Inspirational: I already inspire devoutness in the Hindi people. Am one of the most worshiped goddesses.
2. Available: I am always available to be called on for aid should my people need it.
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Surrounded by followers |
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Temple to meet those who need me |
3. Enlightened: I am an enlightened goddess, privy to the knowledge of the world and a destroyer of ignorance.
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Enlightened |
4. Moksha: I deliver my children form the cycles of reincarnation to final death.
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Stopping reincarnation |
5. Protector: I am a fierce protector, always looking out for my children.
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Battling demons |
6. Mother: I am the greatest Mother
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Loving all my Children |
Almighty Loki?
For far
too long, mortals have suffered under the reign of maniacal deities, Gods whose
idea of fun was micromanaging the lives of the scared beings of planet
Earth. People ran from Zeus’s lightning,
Thor’s hammer, Nanook’s threats of starvation, Kali’s bloodthirst, and Apollo’s
plagues. People have never run from
me. It must be noted, though I have
earned my title as a troublemaker among Gods, I only mess with those with too
much power. Invincible Baldr, massive
giants, and hammer-happy Thor have been the targets of my trickery, not mortals. And why would I do such things? I will tell you the truth, humans. I did
so to prevent these Gods from becoming all-powerful! I did so to protect you from the Gods’ thirst
for power and human blood. I did so to
ensure your safety, even making fools of my own brothers in acts of divine
providence. Other Gods hover like
parental figures, ensuring you follow their silly “rules” through fear of
retribution. I am no such God. I am the God that makes sure my fellow Gods
follow your rules. I am the God that
represents your interests among the Almighty.
Almighty, it must be stated that I do not intend to tear down monuments to
fallen Gods or to force changes in worship.
Your current idols, temples, and traditions will all be accepted as
forms of praise for me. As Almighty, I
would understand if you should call me by other names, if you should pray to
images of myself in different shapes from the one most familiar to the Norse. Those avatars of Poseidon may still worship
him/me as they have for centuries, as I may take the form of a bearded man and
have been known to cause earthquakes.
Avatars of Bmola need not worry about their traditions, as I am at home
in the form of a bird/moose God. Even
avatars of the Great Mother Mut need not change their ceremonies or temples;
though I am mostly seen as a man, I have taken the form of a mother on more
than one occasion. As the divine
shapeshifter, I encompass all Godly images, and do not take variances in
worship as personal insults.
Now, with Ragnarok coming to a
close and with the election of a new Almighty nearing, it should be noted how
each deity will deal with the question of theocracy. Will monotheism become part of the new world
order? Will all of humanity be under the
rule of one superhuman dictator? I
propose no such action. It is foretold in
Norse tradition that Ragnarok shall bring forward a new set of Gods to replace
the old, a symbol of the cycles of life. I find this a fair and reasonable idea. Though the Gods of old cannot be brought back
to life, I propose elections among humankind regarding the deification of several
of their peers. Gods shall be elected to
fill positions of their fallen brethren.
For example, a sea God should be chosen to replace fallen Poseidon, and
so forth. This shall keep the Earth and
the heavens in balance. I will bestow
the winners of these elections with magical gifts which shall give them Godly
What proof do I have that I would
do such a thing? I am known as a
gracious God, having already given several gifts to other Gods, as well as bestowing
demi-God status upon my most faithful avatar, the former Goddess Mut. You need only look at Thor’s hammer, Odin’s
steed, and Osiris’ crook and flail in the hands of my avatar to know that I am
a God of my word, and I will bring forward a new set of deities that fit your
liking, and that I will usher in a new era of prosperity and freedom from fear
of divine retribution among mortals.
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